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Itemnummer 446594642
30 Maart 2022 (11:46)

Burao, Somaliland, Northern Somalia, April 2022
Drought in Eat Africa.
Magda Abdullahi Mohammed (birthday unknown) is affected by the lack of food. Her mother depends heavily on food given by her family who are pastoralists on the country side of Somaliland. The father finally left the house, so the single mother ended up her two children that she is not able to feed. She also lacks the budgets to by food for her children.
Magda has already spent ten days at Burao hospital where she is fighting for her life, after being unconscious for four days.
On the picture, the great-grandmother of Magda has come to the hospital to assist her grand-daughter.
Foto: Petterik Wiggers/Hollandse Hoogte

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6720 x 4286 pixels (56.90cm x 36.29cm)


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