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Roe, Wood Wharf: Can the Fallow boys do it again?

12 April 2024 (16:25)

The Fallow boys are a phenomenon. The three of them - chefs Jack Croft, 31, and Will Murray, 32, and chairman-fixer-bit-of-everything James Robson, 50 - have amassed something like their own cult. A cult glued to the TikTok recipes (how to scramble eggs like a chef? An easy 7.1 million views), the Instagram posts (231,000 fans and counting) and a YouTube channel which, with 385,000 subscribers, makes Fallow the most followed restaurant in the world. Then there's real life: the place itself, in St James's

Their first restaurant is the social media darling that made cod's head cool. Now, the trio tell David Ellis, they're opening a £6m site with shark on the menu

Left to right:
Jack Croft, James Robson and Will Murray, founders and owners of Roe, Canary Wharf.

© Daniel Hambury / Evening Standard / eyevine

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